Friday, September 4, 2009

Four days at work and still missing Elle Marie...

ItalicLast Saturday, we had lunch at Cloud 9, Antipolo. Elle Marie saw this painting inside the Cafe. She asked me to carry her just like in the painting and said "Mama, Elle Marie (while pointing to the painting). Baby, Elle Marie (while pointing to the baby and herself)"

How can I work and miss out being with my daughter, witnessing every milestone in her life, and taking part of every anecdotal stories that can be written about her? How can I wake up early in the morning to go to work and miss giving her a bath, singing the rainbow song with her, eat with her, and give her medicines? How can I spend the whole day reading about Gender and Development and miss watching her wash her own hands in school, seeing her run towards me with a giggle before ramp time, spending time with her in Starbucks and eating here favorite donut?

Partly, I can go to work because I know that my mother is here taking good care of Elle Marie. Nonoy is also home most of the time to watch her while working and I will be home as early as I can.

I am on my fourth day at work, and I am missing Elle Marie! more each day I know this feeling will never go away. I just hope that when Elle Marie grows up, she will understand what a great sacrifice this is for me. I have to work.

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