Wednesday, July 16, 2014

And then there were three...

And then there were three...

I grew up believing that I am one of the blessed individuals with really, really good eyesight. I would boast that I can read the smallest font without difficulty. I would not account that strength to my genes because my father has been wearing thick eye glasses as early as he can remember rather to the million of squash that I ate since I was small.  That is also the reason why I make it a point to feed my girls with squash as often as possible.

Until my Directed Research 1 came... I started with one pair from Ideal Vision at .75 grade, the mildest as the Opta described it. It was followed by another pair just because I kept on forgetting the first one.

First term hasn't ended yet but I am already oj my third pair! It started with a migraine that lasted for days.  I was scared that it was due to my worsened hypertension but no. It was my aggravated eyesight...

Blame it on the journals and reflection papers I required my five citigov classes; blame it my really small SAMSUNG Young; blame it my shortlived chatmate; and blame it on the rain... I dont think there is nothing nor no one in particular to blame. I am aging. Its bound to happen... ang importante, I can still see, read and I look great on my reading glasses!! Hahaha

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