Sunday, October 11, 2009

KL-Singapore Day Two: A visit to the Petronas Towers

One cannot say that they have been to Kuala Lumpur without visiting the famous 88-storey Petronas Twin Towers, the world's tallest twin structure. Of course, it was the first in Elle Marie's itinerary.

It was a lazy day. Elle Marie woke up late, went to Central Mall for a quick shopping, had lunch and slept at the crowded Suria Shopping Complex. In short, she was able to see the Petronas Twin Towers but was not able to go up the towers! Nevertheless, having a photo opportunity with the Twin Towers was enough. It was difficult though. It was so sunny. And, in the absence of a real digicam we only used our nokia cellphone camera which was difficult because the twin towers were really tall and would not fit our cellphone camera.

An anecdotal note: while taking a photo of Elle Marie with the Petronas Twin Tower, an arab looking guy approached us and asked if he may have a photo with Elle Marie. Shocked but flattered, we allowed him to have a photo with Elle Marie and Papa. Noy and I were unsure whether the guy mistaken Elle Marie as a malaysian because of the skirt she was wearing but we contented ourselves with thinking that maybe the guy thought Elle Marie is very cute and worth the photo opp:-)

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