Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This Little Light of Mine...

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine let it shine let it shine Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine let it shine let it shine

Call me a stage mother, a bragger or whatever suits you but nothing can stop me from saying and boasting that I am soooo proud of my daughter! During their christmas program in school, she walked to the stage on her own while her other classmates were carried by their yayas! She shaked the flashlights and swayed her head as the song was being played! She neither cried nor screamed for me or Noy!!!

God, I am so proud of my daughters' milestones! I hope she knows how elevated (as if in cloud nine) I felt while watching her perform on stage with her friends. Again, I had mixed emotions. Ecstatic because of my daughter's achievements, very grateful to God for giving me Elle and very in love with Noy for without him, I would not have Elle... I was almost in tears but this time I did not freeze... but my unreliable rechargeable battery did! I almost grabbed the camera of the person beside me so that I can take Elle's photos but good thing we had a back-up, the camera with noy which was supposed to be used in taking videos. One big lesson learned from this experience is to buy a new camera, new rechargeable batteries and and keep the old one as back up:-) who knows!

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