Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yaya ranting: Things I learned from the youngest and oldest maid

If you think you have read the end of my yaya ranting... you are wrong! The saga continues to yaya 07 to yaya 08. And now, it is just Elle Marie and Mama again... soooo happy together!

This roller coaster experience of hiring and firing/ letting go of yaya is just too exhausting for me... I don't think I am setting high standards for my yayas. All I am asking for were breakfast, lunch and dinner for Noy; take extra care of Elle Marie's things (especially her 3 precious cabinets); regularly clean Elle Marie's play area; do the laundry at their own convenience; she eats what we eat; I am with Elle Marie 24/7. At times, I blame myself for my shortcomings. Noy said, I shouldn't expect too much but I always argue "Isn't my life supposed to be lighter because we have them?" I am no saint but I can be evil if the situation calls for it.

I remember Yaya 07, she came after Harlene who came with her sister Patpat in May (I don't consider Harlene a maid rather a big sister to Elle hence she is not counted). Yaya 07 is a distant relative of Nong Endring, Noy'smost trusted farm caretaker and our ninong. She is the 4th of 12 siblings!!! She claims that she was maltreated by her former boss for one year! She is 16 and the youngest among the 8 maids we had so far.

Yaya 07's first day with us was an OK except for the fact that she looked sickly and always complain about her back. So we told her to prioritize Elle Marie's clothes and just wash out clothes if she is well already.

The second day was different, just when I putted Elle to her regular afternoon nap, Yaya 07 came to me and cried aboout her back. So I massage her back with the chinese ointment that Sharon gave me. I told her to rest after lunch and prepare the dinner around 6pm. So, she is sleeping (or watching tv on the second floor) from 1:00-5:00p.m. Around 7:00p.m. she came to me again, this time complaining about her hands. She said they are shaking. So, I got my spa tub massage her hands and even applied my special exfoliating/relaxing foaming soap on her hands. Take note: I looked for the spa tub, cleaned it, heated water and arranged everything on one side of our dining room. I did everything while she was crying on the side and holding her hands. Day 3... day 4... the same thing that happened to day 2 started to be a regular routine for me. Aside from taking good care of my daughter, we hired a yaya to add to my load.

I wondered how come everytime she is about to wash the dishes or wash Elle's clothes, Yaya 07's everything aches but everytime we bring her to the grocery or the mall she is high spirited! all dressed up! all made up (she even tried to borrow mascara from my sister!!!)! I remember our first and only visit to SM department store, I wanted to see how she is with Elle Marie alone so I left Elle Marie with her and pretended to window shop and monitor them from a distance. I was VERY furious because I saw her tinker with the items on sale and did not even bother to look at what Elle Marie was doing!

This one really made my day! While me and my sister went around for Elle Marie's new clothes for school, we left a couple of newly purchased things with her to watch. I don't know what made her think that she can go window shopping while working! She left the plastic bags with Noy who was taking good care of Elle Marie! Just imagine my good spirited husband, together with three big plastic bags of clothes, one big baby bag running after Elle Marie! I scolded Yaya 07 but I also scolded Noy for letting her do it too him.

Yaya 07 stayed with us for almost two weeks. Noy agreed with me that she was becoming a burden to us instead of a help which is what hired her for. I know she needs money to support her family (who doesn't need money?) but, I'd rather do everything on my own instead of doing everything while she watches me!

And then... Yaya 08 came. She was recommended by our friend, Aiken. She is a cousin of her yaya so we thought her yaya is ok so this one must be ok too. I have been very particular about our yaya's age. I don't want a yaya who is older than me because of my previous experience with Yaya 01 but, I relaxed this pre-requisite and hired Yaya 08.

I know I am not the prettiest girl on earth (maybe in my subconciousness I am/ maybe 4 years ago I was to Noy) but to be politically correct Yaya 08 looks scary. She has a pointed nose and chin; no teeth; dark, very dry skinned; curly (buhaghag) hair. She looks like a true to life witch! (everybody who saw her made the same comment) All of Elle Marie's friends are afraid of her that is why I don't usually bring her with us to playdates or to Elle Marie's school. In fairness to her, she is very clean (except for the bad looking make up), sweet, always smiling, and ready to do anything you ask her to.

Yaya 08 already had a first warning from us when she failed to go back after an overnight day off because she was too drunk. Not coming back on the agreed time and day is a big no! no! to me and Noy. We already agreed that any yaya who would do it will automatically be fired. But since Yaya 08 is ok to us, we bended the policy and gave her a second chance. Yes, Yaya 08 is very ok to us. She met every need we had at home so I told Noy that maybe it is time that I seriously look for work. So, I tried to give Yaya 08 time alone with Elle Marie to bond.

But, this did not happen because the moment I leave Elle Marie with her all alone (e.g. I take a bath or go to our second floor) Elle Marie screams on top of her lungs! I never heard Elle Marie screamed like that before. It happened for almost seven consecutive days and Elle Marie started to have slight fever.

I remember it was Tues I left Elle Marie with her on the play area while I do my emails in the second floor. I heard a scream and really loud bangs on the door. It was Elle Marie crying while Yaya 08 looked from the bottom of the stairs. First question, why did she let Elle Marie go up the stairs on her own?! Second question, how can she be a mother to four kids and doesn't know how to appease my daughter?! Third question, doesn't she observe me and Elle Marie and take note of the things that Elle loves? These are the question I did not hesitate to ask her. I was frustrated because she has been with us for almost one month and still she couldn't stay with Elle Marie a single minute?!

Wednesday came, I wanted to take a bath on my own (without Elle Marie in the CR) so again I left Elle with her. Again, screaming! crying! everything! So I was forced to end my bath and took Elle Marie away from her! I told her that I was too frustrated with the fact that Elle Marie is getting sick because of her (I guess with the stress of being with her alone). I asked her what she will do with Elle Marie if I start working. She said, she will let her cry because for sure she will stop. I was very furious! How dare she do it to my daughter?!!! I walked out on her and brought Elle Marie to school.

Sharon was just telling me to get her maid after they leave for Singapore when I got a text from Noy that Yaya 08 is not used to being scolded especially by someone way younger than her and is asking permission to go home on Saturday. There goes Yaya 08. But before she left, she created a scene in our house. She talked to Noy crying as if I maltreated her. Told him stories about how I would shout and get sngry with her. When I confronted her, she told me "bakit mo naman kasi pinagpipilitan sa akin iyang anak mo e ayaw nga sa akin". This one REALLY pissed me off! I screamed "the reason why we are giving you a higher rate is because I plan to leave my daughter with you when I work! We can always have our clothes done in a laundry shop or hire a weekly labander or I can do it myself! I can cook for Noy! So, if Elle Marie doesn't like you, there is no need for you in this house!". Nahimasmasan siya...pero mas nahimasmasan ako now that I was able to narrate this experience. mabigat kasi.

I had single, married, very young, very old, mature I wonder what is the right formula for me and my yaya should be. Sharon's maid is 43 years old. I always see her in Sharon's place. She is single and very quiet. Do you think she is the one? Let us see... she will start August 15.

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